Are you experiencing any of the following?

We can help you.

  • Ingrown toenail

    An ingrown toenail has a number of different symptoms: pressure pain when walking , painful lateral nail fold, thickened lateral and distal nail folds, reddened nail folds/toe, restricted mobility, toe grows hot /possible pyogenesis (pus formation – caused by bacteria). Depending on whether it is acute or chronic we can provide you with the right treatment and help prevent reoccurence.

  • Fungal Infections

    Fungal nail infections are often the cause of embarrasment and social axiety due to the discolouration and distortment of the nail plate. Dependent on your goals, we are equip to treat your issue with a tailored managment plan.

  • Digital deformities

    Bunions (Hallux valgus) are malalignment of the big toe joint and can be very painful however other toe joints (Digital deformities) can also be effected known as Hammer or Mallet toe deformities. These condition often cause footwear issues and development of corns/callouses. Come in to see us for a management plan to resolve your concerns.

  • Plantar verrucae

    A viral (HPV4/5) skin infection that is sometimes mistaken for a more common podiatry issue called a plantar corn. However this condition requires a specialized treatment plan to eradicate these very painful spots as they grow deeper into the dermis (skin layer) unlike corns.

  • Corns and callouses

    Are buildup of dead skin pressure spots on surfaces that experience friction or weight bearing (on toes or bottom of ball of feet or heels), they are normally not extremely painful but can become debilitating if left untreated.

  • Bony related foot injury

    The foot being your point of contact to the ground and carry your body weight day in day out, it is susceptible to further injury where by injury to fluid filled sacs (bursitis) or the bone itself (stress fractures) is damaged. Early intervention is is important to prevent further injury.

  • Nerve related foot injury

    The foot is exposed to immense forces as they act as the carrier of our body weight and point of impact to the ground hence the nerves in our foot are constantly being exposed to abnormal amounts of pressure causing irritation to the nerves in our feet. Conditions you could be suffering include but not exhaustive to :

    Morton’s neuroma, Baxter’s or sural nerve impingement, Tarsal tunnel syndrome etc. A accurate diagnose is important to offer appropiate advice and managment plan to help you manage your issues..

  • Peripheral Neuropathy

    Diabetes is one of the most common causes of damage to the nerves in the foot as they are the finest structures and often are the first to go when injury to your nerves occur due to systemic conditions such as diabetes or post cancer (chemotherapy) treatments. If you are feeling the following symptoms; unexplained numbness, tingling, pins/needles, hot/cold feet, don’t wait until your issues become permanent and come to us to examine and assess your condition

  • Muscoskeletal injuries

    The foot is a complex structure that is upheld by soft tissue. Overuse or trauma can lead to injury to the Muscles, ligaments or tendons in foot such as Shin splints, Achilles tendiopathy/ruptures, Posterior tibial dysfunction, Plantar fasiopathy/fasciitis, Plantar plate injuries, intrinsic foot muscle strains to name a few. If you are experiencing abnormal pain in your lower limb, foot or ankle which has progressively gotten worse, most likely your issue has not been accurately diagnosed and require treatment.

  • Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)

    A condition whereby the arteries in your lower limb is occluded leading to poor pedal circulation and increase your risk of developing poor healing wounds or ulcers. We exam and conduct screening tests that will allow us to know whether you are at risk of developing this condition.

  • Biomechanical related issues

    We are specialist in the assessment and management of poor postural alignment as result of poor foot biomechanics. Alot of the times, when there is persistent lower back or knee pain despite treatment from physiotherapy or chirotherapy, how your foot functions is the underlying reason as to why there are changes to spinal or postural alignment. Book in to see us today, to ensure your lower back or knee issue are not related to your feet.

  • Paediatric foot related issues

    Little ones can also suffer from foot or ankle complications leading them to suffer from poor postural aligiment or gait patterns such as intoeing, flat feet or even toe & nail issues that require a trained specialist to attend to. If your little on is suffering from pain, book in to see us so we can help you help them.