Our services

  • Diabetes foot assessment

    A comprehensive extended appointment that includes extensively assessing your sensation, circulation & muscle strength to categorize your risk profile to then provide education and advice on how best to prevent diabetic foot complications.

  • Orthotic therapy & Carbon fibre spring plates

    We offer both customized & semi-customized devices. 3D printing has taken over traditional methods of orthotic making, giving us more precision of accuracy yet reduce the bulk. This means we can help you target your biomechanical foot issues with a sleek and non-bulky orthotic. However, in some cases traditional EVA/Poly shell devices are more suitable, our goal is to curate a device that best targets your issues and foot wear needs. We are also equipped with an in-house refurbishment lab which means we can make further adjustment when required to ensure you walk out with the best fitted and comfortable orthotic.

  • Lower limb vascular tests

    Peripheral vascular disease is a serious condition but can be early detected. We are equiped with a Doppler and Ankle brachial pressure index machine that helps us see if you are at the risk of developing this condition.

  • Plantar verrucae treatment

    Plantar verrucae can present differently depending on the type you have contracted (mosaic or solitary) and require the right diagnosis for effective treatment. Depending on the location of your plantar verrucae, we will discuss with you the treatment options availablle and proceed with the best fit approach.

  • Partial nail avulsion surgery

    For severe cases of ingrown toe nails. This is a surgerical procedure that often is a more permanent solution to ongoing ingrown toenail issues or cases where repeat secondary infections have occurred.

  • Onyfix nail brace

    For mild-moderate ingrown toe nail issues. This a non invasive, pain free medical grade brace that is applied to the effected ingrown toe nail to retrain the nail to grow out straight as oppose to a curved/ involuted shape that predispose them to Infection secondary to ingrown toenails. See below for more details.

  • Preventative foot care ( General podiatry )

    This includes management of corns and callus removal, cracked heel treatment, ingrown toenail prevention & treatment and treatment of Plantar Warts (Verrucae), thicken and or fungal nails.

  • Biomechanical & Gait analysis

    If you are suffering from unexplained lower back, knee or ankle pain there may be an underlying biomechanical issue. We can carry out a comprehensive muscle, range of motion, postural & gait analysis to better understand what is causing your pain.

  • Tailored strength & conditioning programs

    We offer tailored strength and conditioning programs using physitrack, an online platform that will track your progress, have visual demonstration for each exercise and gives you the option to stay in contact with us via telehealth in the comfort of your own home.

  • Radial Shock Wave Therapy (EMS)

    Shockwave Therapy (high-powered sound waves) can target specific pain in the bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It’s a non-invasive and safe treatment that gives significant or total relief of pain in 90% of patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders. See below for more details.

  • Dry needling

    Involves the use of acupuncture type needles being introduced into trigger points in muscles to stimulate a ‘twitch’ response resulting in ‘release or relaxation’ of the trigger point (hyperirritable, taut band of muscle). The basis of this traditional technique is to restore normal muscle function and improve biomechanical impairments.

  • Muscoskeletal injuries

    Lower Limb muscoskeletal injuries range from below the knee to foot or ankle related conditions and we will thoroughly assess you for a accurate diagnosis. In terms of treatment we also offer manual techniques such as foot mobilisation therapy, strapping and trigger point release techniques.

  • Foot drop braces/ Moon boot fitting

    Whether it is fitting for Foot drop, bony fractures or ankle sprains we are partnered with medical grade suppliers that will correctly fit you to the appropiate device you require.

  • Foot wear advice

    With our knowledge in the biomechanics of the foot, our constant promise to keep ourselves updated with the latest releases in footwear across the most recognized brands, we can advise you on the most appropriate fitting footwear for your feet, shoe buying tips, and work appropriate footwear.

  • Keryflex nail restoration

    A cosmetic nail remake-procedure for patients who often find themselves wanting to be able to freely wear open ended footwear in summer but suffer from dystrophic, damaged and discoloured nails from history of trauma or fungal nail infections. See below for more details.

Our Fees

  • It is important to us your issues are thoroughly investigated and accurately diagnosed so we dedicate the time to do this. A management plan is then put in place to meet your goals. If treatment is conducted, treatment services outside of general podiatry will apply accordingly to the treatment provided. (Please see below for further details)

    40 mins | $95 |

  • Follow-up appointments are vital for us to track progress, discuss your test results/findings and ensure you are happy with the treatment provided. If treatment is conducted, treatment services outside of general podiatry will apply accordingly to the treatment provided. (Please see below for further details)

    20 mins | $80 |

  • Muscoskeletal injuries or biomechanical foot related conditions can be complex therefore require more time for us to examine and assess to accurately diagnose & devise a management plan that meet your goals.

    30-40mins | $95 |

  • Prices include a custom made pair of orthotic that has been specifically curated to meet your issues & footwear needs aswell as a follow-up appointment for collection and fitting of your orthotics

    | $680-$800 depending on complexity of your orthotic needs |

  • For some foot issues, a semi-customized orthotic could help your issue. Your podiatrist will be able to assess and advise if your are suitable.

    | $420-$500 depending on complexity of your orthotic needs |

  • A non-invasive procedure for mild-moderate Ingrown toe nail issues. Which includes comprehensive nail & skin care treatment to both feet prior to the application of the Onyfix nail brace to the effected nail.

    30-40 mins | $80 additional to standard consultation fees |

  • A Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) is a surgical procedure for permanent resolution of your Ingrown toe nail issues.

    Total cost per nail surgery (one sided):

    40-60 mins| $380 | +$100 for any additional side

    Note: fees include post surgical dressings pack for patient to take home.

  • This procedure is a cosmetic procedure therefore we allow sufficient time to ensure it is done to your needs.

    Total cost for initial appointment:

    40-60 mins | $175 (Keryflex nail kit; includes up to 2 refills) + $95 (extended consult) = $270 |

    Total cost for consecutive appointment for refills:

    40mins | $65 (reapplication) + 95$ (extended consult)= $150 |

  • We use a silicone based product to custom make a device that is comfortable and addresses your Digital deformities/ Bunions.

    | $10-20 per device depending on complexity, additional to consultation fees |

  • Foot drop devices can range from different types based on your needs and footwear specifications.

    | $250 inclusive of fitting appointment |

    We also do referrals for Moon boot and other foot and ankle related device.

  • The protocol for shockwave therapy for most conditions varies between 3-6 sessions of treatment, one week apart. We usually apply strapping post-treatment.

    Total cost per treatment session:

    One location |$100|

    Multiple locations |$155|

  • We are equipped with a ultrasound device to provide ultrasound therapy.

    20 mins | $25 additional to consultation fees |

  • Foot mobilisation therapy is a physical therapy that works to increase range of motion and restore function through a series of mobilisation techniques. Your Podiatrist will assess and curate a treatment plan that will address your issues.

    | $65 additional to consultation fees |

  • As specialists in the foot and ankle, we have a thorough understanding on the anatomy and biomechanics of lower limb allowing us to effectively apply the right strapping technique that will address your foot concerns. We use high quality kinesology tape to achieve the best results.

    |$5 per foot/ $10 per lower limb additional to consultation fees|

Instant Private Health Fund Rebates
available using our on-site HICAPS terminal

(Click on HICAPs logo above to see all participating private health funds)

**Please note: Health fund rebates and HICAPs vary with each health fund and practitioner. Please contact us or your health fund for further information.*

Medicare care plans by GP are available if you are eligibile.

DVA patients are eligible to up to 12 visits annually. If you are a DVA patient, did you know your GP can organize a plan for you to see us. Please contact your GP or our clinic for further information.

Specialist services



EMS Radial Shock Wave Therapy

Say hello to our newest technology and best friend for treating chronic injuries!

The EMS Dolorclast is the No. 1 clinical evidence shock wave therapy machine and medically accredited ( FDA approved) It is extensively published and research with countless randomised control trial studies with systematic reviews and meta analysis!!!

This means it is a highly calibrated and well researched therapy!

It is frequently used by athletes as a non-invasive treatment for musculoskeletal pain, osteoarthritis and accelerated recovery. It doesn’t need the use of any medication or needles, and only takes a few minutes so you can continue back with your normal activities after the treatment with no impact on your lifestyle or activity level! How good is that?

#goodbyepain #swissdolorclast #guideddolorclasttherapy

Keryflex nail restoration

A specialist medical-grade cosmetic and nail restoration procedure to address your fungal and damaged nail concerns.



Onyfix nail brace

The Onyfix nail correction system is a versatile and innovative product that enables completely painless treatment of almost all forms of involuted and ingrown toenails.

Your foot care expert adapts the system individually and fixes it to your nail, which is then brought back into its natural shape as it grows. The whole process is pain-free, during application and throughout the entire treatment